Prs. Tony & Marta Cerqueira

This work challenges the reader to understand and live the fundamental issues of an authentic belief in God. This belief permeates the personal experience of the couple Pr. Tony & Marta Cerqueira, from the way they were reached and impacted by a genuine, simple and profound Gospel. The content challenges us to find our purpose established by God and to live it intensely, dependent on an intimate communion with the Father, flooded by the Grace of Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Whoever lives like this has a life of faith, prayer, miracles and purposes that glorify God.

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Pr. André Valadão

Having been a solo career for 15 years, André Valadão is a pastor and member of the Lagoinha Baptist Church, in Belo Horizonte / MG, where he emerged alongside his parents and sisters. Married to Cassiane Valadão, and parents of Lorenzo, Vitório and newcomer Angel, André is pastor and founder of Lagoinha Igreja in Orlando, Florida, in the United States, since 2017.

Professor Anthony B. Portigliatti Ph.D.

Professor Anthony B. Portigliatti Ph.D. is a U.S. citizen of Italian descent. He was born in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, where he lived for 16 years, and then moved to Brazil where he lived for 28 years. In 1999, he moved with his family to the United States to become president of Florida Christian University and develop other business projects. He is currently the President of the Board of Directors of Florida Christian University, President of The American Coaching and Mentoring Association (A.C.M.A.), Lakehurst Building, LLC and SOAR Global Institute.

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Pr. Jonathas

Pr Jonathan Ferreira dos Santos
Founder of Missão Antioquia and Associação Vale da Benção. Professor, writer, international lecturer.


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